
Samsung Trademarks ‘AI Phone’ and ‘AI Smartphone’ for Galaxy S24, Promising Enhanced AI Capabilities

Samsung is gearing up to revolutionize its flagship lineup with the Galaxy S24 series, as evidenced by the recent trademarks ‘AI Phone’ and ‘AI Smartphone.’ This move suggests a strategic focus on incorporating advanced AI capabilities into the upcoming models, enhancing user experiences and outpacing competitors. The Galaxy S24 is expected to showcase Samsung’s commitment to innovation, building on the foundation laid by the recently announced Exynos 2400 and Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processors.

AI Integration Across Galaxy S24 Models:

The Korean tech giant has been rumored to introduce generative AI across all Galaxy S24 models, positioning itself at the forefront of technological advancements. The integration of Exynos 2400 and Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processors further strengthens Samsung’s ability to deliver on this promise. The company demonstrated the Exynos 2400’s capabilities through a reference board, showcasing its ability to create a text-to-image using AI. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, a top-tier smartphone chipset, is equipped to run on-device Large Language Models (LLMs) and smoothly handle Stable Diffusion, indicating a seamless AI experience.


Trademark Filings and Marketing Strategy:

Samsung’s recent trademark filings for ‘AI Phone’ and ‘AI Smartphone’ suggest a strategic marketing approach, aiming to highlight the enhanced AI features of the Galaxy S24 lineup. While the generic nature of these names might pose challenges in obtaining the trademarks, the filings underscore Samsung’s commitment to offering cutting-edge technology in its flagship devices. Additionally, the company is working on other trademarks, such as Magic Pixel, Flex Magic, and Flex Magic Pixel, though their specific applications remain undisclosed.


Software Emphasis for Galaxy S24:

While hardware capabilities are a crucial aspect, Samsung’s emphasis on AI in the Galaxy S24 may primarily revolve around software enhancements. The company is likely to focus on refining the user experience through intelligent software applications, pushing the boundaries of what users can achieve with their smartphones. The exact details remain undisclosed, but updates are anticipated in the lead-up to Samsung’s first ‘Galaxy Unpacked’ event in January 2024.


Samsung’s move to trademark ‘AI Phone’ and ‘AI Smartphone’ for the Galaxy S24 signals a significant leap in smartphone technology. With a focus on AI capabilities and powerful processors, Samsung aims to set a new standard in the flagship smartphone market. As the unveiling date approaches, tech enthusiasts can anticipate more insights into the innovative features that will define the Galaxy S24 series.

Source: GalaxyClub

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